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Drakkar Noir 30th anniversary

Published in Perfume News

Guy Laroche celebrate 30th year anniversary for original fragrance Drakkar Noir. It's a special year so they invite star brazillian soccer to be their face.



New Drakkar Noir will launched for celebrate 30th anniversary for this perfume. First time, the original Drakkar Noir launched in 1982. It's also woody, aromatic, fresh and spicy scent. Perfumer behide scent is Pierre Wargnye. It open with fresh of rosemary, artemisia, lavender, basil, lemon verbena, bergamot and lemon. And follow with aromatic from coriander, carnation, cinnamon, juniper and jasmine. Finally, It's end with leather, sandalwood, fir, amber, patchouli, oakmoss, vetiver and cedar. The new Drakkar Noir formulation is the same original.


Fragrance Longevity is about 7 - 12 hours and sillage is 1 feet. The outstanding scent is oakmoss and follow by leather, fir, lavender, sandalwood and vetiver.


The face of Drakkar Noir 30th Anniversary is Neymar da Silva Santos Junior. He a brazillian superstar of soccer in the world. Now he's playing for Santos Team in Brazillian Soccer League. His best skill is speed, agility, pass, etc. We expect that he will be buy from the leading team in Europe such as Barcelona, Chelsea, Paris Saint Germain and Manchester City.


Drakkar Noir 30th Anniversary will be available in 100 ml. Eau De Toilette fragrance. It will launch in April 2013 but it may be not sale in the USA. Special signature from Neymar on black bottle.

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