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Bebe Desire

Published in Perfume News

Today, we have a new one fragrance introduce to you know. The famous fashion Bebe has launched Bebe Desire perfume in July 2013. It's a floral woody fragrance with sparkling citrus.



Bebe Desire is a new flanker Bebe Wishes & Dreams in 2012. It's a fragrance for young women who want to find a new unique perfume. It compose of musk, floral notes, citruses, woody notes, amber and praline. Addition note include berries, kumquat, lemons, frangipani, violet, peony and sandalwood.


Bebe Desire is Eau De Parfum fragrance which available in 30 ml., 50 ml. and 100 ml. For a young girl who want to find a new experience and snsual fragrance.

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