Charm Fragrance World

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After you add product to cart already, it's a payment process. First, you must to click "Select Payment" in red circle. 



After that, it show 3 payment methods for your selection.



1. "Bank Transfer" is a method for Thai customer or foreigner who live in Thailand. There are 4 banks account in Thailand. Transfer fee is depending on location. Don't forget to confirm payment after you success to transfer.



2. "Paypal Payment" is a convenience method for everyone who have Paypal account. If you have Paypal account, Wherever you live in the world, you can pay by Paypal. It has fee include of 11 baht plus 3.4% of product price.


3. "Credit Card Payment" is one favorite payment method in the world. Paypal accept most of credi card such as Master Card, Visa, American Express, Discover.  If you want to pay with credit card, it has fee include of 11 baht plus 3.4% of product price.



Now, you success to pay your product. If you have any question, please contact us immediately. Thanks you

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