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Diesel Fuel for Life Spirit

Published in Perfume News

Diesel Fuel for Life Spirit is a latest perfume from Diesel. It's a fragrance for men which is developed from original Diesel Fuel for Life in 2007. New Diesel Fuel for Life Spirit is oriental - fougere fragrance. It start with fresh, floral and end with wood scent. It give you intensive, masculine, spirit and braveness


Top notes : cinnamon and grapefruit

Heart notes : orange blossom and iris

Base notes : incense and amber woods


Perfumer who are created this fragrance scent is  Fabrice Pellegrin. Bottle is designed like original. Fragrance water is orange colors. There are gold letter on bottle. It has not leather cover bottle like original Diesel Fuel for Life. It's Eau De Toilette fragrance in 50 ml., 75 ml. and 125 ml.



Update a new fragrance video commercial which launch in 11th April 2013 and perfume banner. Models in video and banner are Marc Madeleyn, Paul Hamy and Geoffroy Jonckheere. They play in a role of traveler and stop at Diner night club in small city in California. Events that make a story.  "Are You Alive?" is the latest Diesel Fuel for Life Spirit campaign which transport to all customer in the world. New banner is shoted by Matthew Brookes.

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